Wednesday, October 29, 2008

NOBL Minutes 02 26 08

February 26, 2008


of Belknap Lookout: Minutes

was called to order by Chair, Pete Stieler at 6:05pm

  1. Welcome

  2. Mrs. Vander
    Hof presentation. Dale Robart from Image Architecture concerning a
    zoning change: their primary interest was to have an address sign
    for their business on 619 College Avenue Northeast. They wanted to
    tear down the existing sub-standard house that is on their property
    and add green space, along with the desired address sign. Phil
    McConahy made the motion to approve, Andy Johnson seconded…the
    motion was carried.

  1. Sunny Sodhi
    presented his plans for the improvement and expansion of the L&L
    Party Store. He requested two letters of support from the board:
    one for the zoning variance that he needs to expand and remodel the
    store; and another letter to extend the hours on a conditional
    basis, from 9am to 12 midnight (Fridays and Saturdays only): the
    condition being, that if he cannot control or reduce the noise, gang
    activity and drug dealing around his store, the board has the right
    to rescind these hours and reduce them back to their previous state
    after a 6 month period. He also reminded the board that just
    because he is from India, he is not related –in any way –to
    the nefarious Nick Singh, (the previous owner of the L&L
    Party Store)

  1. Sunny Sodhi
    handed out his Conditional Letter for Approval to the
    board members, once again reaffirming his commitment to remodel the
    store in 3 to 5 years. Dr. Roosenberg suggested that for the time
    being, the board give a letter of support for the zoning variance
    for expansion only, and table the discussion for an increase in
    hours until after that particular variance is approved. Dr.
    Roosenberg motioned for a letter of support for the variance to
    expand the store and Joe Berens seconded…the motion was

  1. Jayne
    Johnson is appointed by our Chair, Pete Stieler, as a member of NOBL
    Board; as well as Safety Committee Chair.

  2. Pete Stieler
    offered to create and donate 1000 address booklets for NOBL. He
    plans on seeking sponsors that will pay NOBL to place their
    advertisements in this booklet. The booklets will be 40 pages
    long, showcasing an A-Z listing of pertinent information; such as
    addresses, telephone numbers, and business sponsorship information.
    The cover will reflect the history of the Belknap Neighborhood and
    why it’s so important to become a member of NOBL, and on the
    back of the book, will be a two-year calendar; a move-in/move-out
    checklist (to make it easier for folks to relocate in the
    neighborhood), as well as a contact page regarding all the
    neighborhood services and citywide programs that there are

  3. Pete Stieler
    has also created new receipt and donation forms for NOBL.

  4. With regards
    to The Lookout Newsletter: Kristi DeKraker reminded us
    that we are contractually obligated by the city of Grand Rapids to
    publish 8 safety articles and 8 articles of neighborhood
    per year. The vehicle for the dissemination of that
    information was up for discussion. Should it be a newsletter, or a
    flyer? Who will write and publish it? How will it be delivered?
    (By mail, or by hand?) Pete suggested that only NOBL members
    receive The Lookout, whereas Kristi proffered that by
    doing so, the rest of the neighborhood might then go unserved. Phil
    McConahy suggested instead, that a flyer be created; one with the
    information printed on both the front and back. Pete sought to look
    for sponsorship, and will continue to look into what the costs will
    be to mail a single-page flyer. The topic was then tabled.

  5. The NOBL
    was brought up: It is still in the creation stage.
    Walter Taylor still needs to add contact links, graphics, NOBL
    Minutes and Agendas, photos of members, fundraising information and
    events, if any. Pete will bring his digital camera on March 11th
    to take pictures.

  6. Update from
    the BBC: Becky Karwoski mentioned that the potluck was canceled.
    The Mid-Winter Raffle ends on March 30th. March 8th,
    the BBC will have its ATT Technological Grant and Asset Mapping work
    session. Chris Thompson is working on the trash ordinance with
    Anita Jones from the city. BBC didn’t get the NGA Grant, but
    they are working on other grants, such as the ATT
    Technological Grant
    and Captain Planet. The
    Home Depot awarded the BBC a deep discount with regards to garden
    supplies, and Scholastic is giving them a discount on books. BBC
    filed its grant with First Books; those that will be needed for
    their Cultivating Hands Garden Project. The BBC is
    still researching the history of the neighborhood. The results
    so far have determined that Samuel Dexter purchased our neighborhood
    back in December 2nd, 1833. It was called White Pigeon
    Prairie at the time, and was part of, “The Michigan
    Territory.” An Act of Congress approved the sale and the deed
    was signed by President Andrew Jackson. It was finally recorded on
    September 8th, 1921. .…Thus the reason why the
    BBC unanimously decided to approve the pigeon as its official

  7. Walter
    presented his statement regarding NOBL Board member participation
    within the community. A discussion was held…

  8. Jayne
    Johnson mentioned that there is a need for Police Chief Belk, Deputy
    Chief James Farris, and Captain Pam Carrier to discuss our funding,
    community policing issues, neighborhood crime statistics, police
    response time and curfews. What can we do (as community members) to
    assist the Grand Rapids Police Department to further in their
    efforts to curb crime in our neighborhood? (There was even talk of
    creating a fundraiser to pay for additional police officers,
    primarily for the Belknap Neighborhood.)

  9. Kristi
    DeKraker said that we might be able to get more Radon test kits for
    the neighborhood, but it may depend upon the budget of the Healthy
    Homes Coalition.

  10. Meeting was
    adjourned: Phil McConahy motioned, Joe Berens seconded: 7:46pm

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NOBL Minutes 08 12 08



  • Welcome to all

  • Meeting officially called to
    order at 6:03pm.
    Present were Bob Roosenberg, JD Formaz, Joe
    Berens, Phil McConahy, Jayne Johnson, Andy Johnson and Walter
    Taylor. Guest speakers were David Swartwout and Suzanne Schulz.

  • No additions to the agenda

  • Approval of last month’s
    Meeting Minutes and financial statements
    : Phil McConahy motioned
    to accept the Minutes and financial statements and JD Formaz
    seconded. All were in favor and the motion was passed.


  • Safety: There hasn’t
    been another report about the man who was flashing neighbors late at
    night. There was a B&E on the 600 block of Livingston. The
    hotspots in the neighborhood are being worked on.

    • Progress in Coit Park about
      signage and utilizing the restrooms is positive and ongoing.
      Around dusk, we need the police to come and shine their lights in
      the park to dissuade troublemakers and drug transactions.

    • People driving go-carts around
      the area late at night need to be called right into police

  • Housing: Andy Johnson
    went by the 600 block of Coit and noticed improvements. Bob
    Roosenberg mentioned that he heard that some of these houses were
    having difficulties with some of their tenants and asked if Andy
    Johnson could follow up on some of these places to make sure that
    they’ve gotten their certification. David Swartwout said that
    he would be willing to help Andy with certain housing issues that
    need to be addressed. Are there specific houses that need to be

  • Executive Committee: We
    have not met formally and have nothing to offer.

  • Fundraisers: JD Formaz is
    wondering if anyone has come up with any fundraising ideas. There
    was a committee that was formed last month (Sondra Loukes Wilson,
    Becky Karwoski, Chris Thompson, Jayne Johnson and Brian Bremer).
    Within the next week, he will contact these people and get back to
    the board with ideas. It was mentioned that we need more volunteers
    in the neighborhood.

  • Belknap Beautification
    The community garden is going well. Some of the
    vegetables that were planted didn’t grow as well as was hoped
    for, but all in all, everything else looks great. Ms. Elton’s
    class from Coit Academy will also be back at the garden next week.
    There should be between 20-25 children. The BBC Chili Cookout is
    set for October 11, 2008.

  • Staff Report: National
    Night Out went well. There were 100-200 people at the event. There
    was food, games, gifts and prizes, like bike helmets for the
    children. The money used to put on the event ($654) was from a
    grant, so nothing came out of NOBL’s general fund. It went
    really well, so we’re going to do it again next year.

    • We need to fundraise for next
      year’s event, because we can’t rely on the grant again.

    • Back to School Bash: there
      were a couple of snafus: there were only supplies for 100 children
      and not 400 as previously thought. Urban Health paid for the
      hotdogs and the rest of the supplies for the event were donated.
      All in all it was a great event.

    • Thireca plans to expand:
      Suzanne Schulz said that the owner of Thireca wants to purchase the
      3 homes to the north, allowing him to expand his building into
      where his parking lot now sits. He would then create a new parking
      lot just behind Clancy Street Ministries. He also wants to buy 3
      homes on the other side of Matilda and tear them down to build
      another parking lot. He has talked to people in the neighborhood
      and has not met resistance to his plans. Kristi DeKraker will call
      the owner of Thireca and ask him if he would be willing to present
      his plans to NOBL before his meeting with the City.

  • We commend our Crime
    Prevention/Community Organizer Kristi DeKraker
    for working so
    hard on the National Night Out and the Back to School Bash events.

  • NOBL Board Candidates:

    • David Shannon moved
      into the neighborhood in 1988. He purchased his property at
      510/512 Coit back in 2001. He strongly believes that everyone
      living in the Belknap Area has a say in what goes on; whether they
      be renters or homeowners. David is a Block Captain. He also
      belongs to many different groups and organizations outside of the
      Belknap Area.

    • Marty Morgan moved into
      the neighborhood in October of 2007 and lives at Newberry Place.
      He his happy to be here and wants to be the first representative of
      Newberry Place on the NOBL Board.

  • Phil McConahy thanked both
    candidates for their interest in offering their services and
    reminded everyone that there will be many NOBL positions open come

  • Paper ballots were handed out
    to all board members at the table for a vote. They were then
    collected by Kristi DeKraker, with the results to be read near the
    close of the meeting.


  • L&L Extension of Hours: JD Formaz requested that the
    discussion for the extension of hours be tabled. Jayne Johnson
    asked why and Sunny Sodhi, the owner of L&L Party Store, stated
    that he wanted to show everyone how committed he is before a
    decision is made about the extension. Bob Roosenberg asked if Sunny
    could open up some of the space in the store for more grocery items.
    Sunny said that he already has a lot of groceries in his store, and
    that if anyone needs anything in particular, all they have to do is
    ask and he will make sure it is stocked. Bob then said that he
    received some e-mails with concerns about some of the product that
    is being sold in the store, such as rolling papers. He asked if
    Sunny could cut back on sales of some of those products. Sunny
    responded by saying that many people still roll their own cigarettes
    in this neighborhood; especially when packs are running well over
    $5.00. He reminded the board that everything in his store is legal
    to sell by law, and that he cannot stand in judgment over whom to
    sell certain items to, let alone be responsible for how those items
    might be used. Bob Roosenberg mentioned an article in the paper
    about tax breaks for neighborhood grocery stores.

  • Tentatively
    Proposed NOBL Policy:
    The Policy was mailed out to Block
    Captains and the process is coming along well.


  • David Swartwout
    proposed his Belknap Lookout Neighborhood Area-Specific Plan
    . Copies of the plan as well as color-coded maps
    were then passed out to Board Members. He stated that unlike the
    developer’s Area Specific Plan Draft, his plan follows the
    current and existing land use and zoning classifications offered by
    the City’s Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance. While drafting
    his proposal, he noticed some obvious discrepancies between both the
    plans and rectified the problem by harmonizing them. A discussion
    was held.

  • Suzanne Schulz
    spoke about the developer’s Belknap Neighborhood Area
    Specific Plan Draft
    , the Discussion Guide, and the Quick
    sheet. September 25, 2008 will be the public meeting
    before the City Planning Commission. Postcard reminders will be
    sent out ahead of time to those living in the Belknap neighborhood.
    The planning commission is looking for information from residents on
    how to proceed. She encouraged all those with questions or comments
    that can’t make it to the meeting to send their letters or
    e-mails to City Planning Commissioners. There was a discussion as
    to whether residents had enough time to read and respond to all the
    information included with the draft packet. Jayne Johnson
    responded by saying that most block contacts were pleased with the
    Quick Questions sheet (versus the lengthy Discussion

  • On
    The Hill
    Walter Taylor will put a
    disclaimer on the newsletter stating that it is a privately owned
    newsletter and not affiliated with NOBL.

  • Phil McConahy
    brought up the fact that NOBL is required to have its own
    informational newsletter or flyer. It was mentioned that our
    neighborhood had a newsletter that came out four times a year, but
    ever since Anita Prins resigned, that niche has been filled by On
    The Hill
    .. Marty Morgan offered that perhaps NOBL
    should consider a blog instead and offered his assistance to anyone
    who might be interested in creating one.

  • Bob Roosenberg
    brought up concerns about Walter Taylor recording Suzanne Schulz’s
    conversation without her consent. Walter Taylor addressed the
    situation quickly by first apologizing to Suzanne Schulz, but added
    that under Michigan law it is totally within his legal right to
    record any conversation, so long as at least one of the parties
    involved know about the recording. He assured Suzanne that in
    future conversations with her, as a courtesy, he would let her know
    whether or not she was being recorded.

  • Appointments:
    All the paper ballots were counted and the results of the vote
    were announced… Marty Morgan won and is officially the newest
    NOBL Board Member.


  • Angel Gonzalez
    mentioned that Suzanne Schulz did a great job of putting together
    the questionnaire and mentioned that it’s important that we
    get the information out to everyone.

  • Suzanne Schulz
    stated that this is the first plan, and it is interesting!
    Hopefully everyone can live with the end result. Perhaps it’s
    something that everyone can be proud of…?

  • David Swartwout
    gave out his e-mail address.

  • Sunny reiterated
    that if anyone has any problems regarding his store that they should
    come to him before they go to anyone else.

  • Jayne Johnson
    motioned to adjourn the meeting and J.D. Formaz seconded. All were
    in favor and the motion was passed.

  • The meeting
    was adjourned at 7:16pm


NOBL Minutes 07 08 08

Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2008

  • Welcome to all!

  • Meeting was
    called to order at 6:03pm.
    Present were Joe Berens, Phil
    McConahy, Acting- Chairman Bob Roosenberg, Safety Chair
    Jayne Johnson, Housing Chair Andy Johnson, Treasurer
    J.D. Formaz and Executive Secretary Walter Taylor.

  • Meeting Minutes
    from June
    : Phil McConahy made a motion to accept the NOBL
    Meeting Minutes, Andy Johnson seconded and votes were cast. All
    were in favor, and the motion to accept the Meeting Minutes for June
    was approved.

  • Financials:
    Copies of NOBL’s financial statement were provided at the
    Board Meeting.
    J.D. Formaz brought up the fact that NOBL Board
    Members need to come together and work on ways to raise money
    through fundraisers, activities, a Farmer’s Market, etc.:
    anything that might bring some money into the NOBL coffers. Joe
    Berens made a motion to accept the idea, Jayne Johnson seconded and
    votes were cast. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

  • Safety: We
    have National Night Out coming up on August 5th at 5-7
    pm. Kristi DeKraker and the Board Members of the BBC are working on
    pulling together resources for the event.

    • Suspicious
      Activity: Kristi DeKraker mentioned that we have a Hispanic male,
      approximately 5’8” to 5’10” tall, with a
      military-style buzz cut going around and throwing rocks at windows,
      then exposing him self to the women that respond. These incidents
      happen in the early morning; usually between 3 and 5am. Everyone
      should be on the lookout for this person. If you see anything out
      of the ordinary, please call the police department. Block contacts
      should also be notified of the situation.

  • Housing:
    Housing Chair Andy Johnson presented a list of properties to
    Kristi DeKraker that need repair.

    • It was brought up
      that property owners are responsible for maintaining the back area
      of their lot all the way to the alleyway; this means overgrown
      brush and debris. Letters need to be sent to landlords in the
      Belknap Area regarding their roles and responsibilities. Most of
      the landlords on the 600 block of Coit need to work on maintaining
      their properties. The NOBL Board will follow up on this matter at
      the next Board meeting.

    • There are
      concerns about trash pickup and brush removal. If you miss your
      regularly scheduled trash day, you cannot dump your trash.
      Neighbors must be apprised of the day and times for trash removal.
      Perhaps an article can be placed in On The Hill to remind renters
      and new homeowners. The number for Streets and Sanitation is:

  • Executive
    : No Executive Report for this month.

  • BBC: The
    Cultivating Hands Children’s Garden received a visit from
    Grand Rapids Magazine and from Spectrum’s Healthier
    ; both were very impressed and Grand Rapids
    wishes to do a story on the garden!

    • BBC Executive
      Chris Thompson went to the Citizen’s Planner
      Conference in Lansing, as well as Green Grand Rapids that
      was held at Devos Place.

    • Chris Thompson
      would like to introduce the idea of having a Farmer’s Market
      in the neighborhood. Hopefully once the gardens begin to bear their
      fruit this vision can be realized…

    • The BBC made over
      $108 (net profit) by selling glow sticks, pop, chips and water
      during the 4th of July.

    • BBC’s Yard
      and Garden Contest
      is still in full swing and runs through
      September. Everyone living in the Belknap Area is automatically
      entered to win. There are First, Second and Third Place cash
      prizes; along with 10 Top Honorable Mentions. Winners will receive
      their names, addresses and pictures in upcoming editions of On
      The Hill

  • Staff Report:
    July 1st started our new contract year with the City.

    • Funding for
      Fiscal Year 2010 will most likely be decreased.

    • If you are
      interested in volunteering for National Night Out and the Back to
      School Bash, please contact Kristi DeKraker; she is in the process
      of organizing the events. There will be an information booth at
      the event; as well as the GRPD, the GRFD, EMS and Safe Kids…

    • There is also a
      block meeting coming up at Newberry Place.


  • Acting-Chairman
    Bob Roosenberg
    brought up last month’s Board vote
    concerning (then Chairman), Pete Stieler’s behavior and the
    recommendation that he be removed from office. Shortly thereafter,
    Bob Roosenberg stated he received Pete Stieler’s resignation
    from the NOBL Board.

  • Block
    Captains/Contacts are a source of information and distribution.
    we have representation on all blocks?

  • There are some
    blocks that don’t have a contact person at all. We need to
    work on filling those positions; it will be an ongoing task.

  • There is also
    no block contact on the 800 block of Coit. J.D. Formaz said that
    he would be willing to be the Block Contact for that area.


  • Phil’s
    McConahy’s Presentation
    : Phil presented a proposal
    regarding the unwritten policies of NOBL and requested that it be
    adopted by the NOBL Board. A discussion was then held and two (2)
    motions were presented to the board:

  1. Jayne Johnson made
    a motion that the NOBL Board table voting on the proposed policy
    until further input from all Block Captains in the neighborhood
    could be made.

  2. Walter Taylor
    motioned that the proposed policy be passed tentatively (as a means
    to safeguard NOBL and the Belknap Neighborhood): whereas afterwards,
    reactions and revisions from the Block Captains/Contacts concerning
    its wording could be thoroughly and thoughtfully adjusted.

      • Joe Berens
        voiced his reservations regarding some of the wording in the

      • Walter Taylor’s
        motion was brought to a vote: J.D. Formaz seconded the motion and
        votes were cast. All in favor were: J.D. Formaz, Phil McConahy,
        Andy Johnson, Walter Taylor, and Jayne Johnson. All opposed were
        Joe Berens… The motion to accept the proposal as the
        tentative policy of NOBL was passed. The Tentatively
        Proposed NOBL Policy will be sent to the available Block
        Captains/Contacts for their conscientious and deliberate

  • Sunny Sodhi’s
    Sunny Sodhi requested a Conditional Letter of
    from the NOBL Board to extend the hours of L&L
    Party Store from 10am-10pm Monday through Saturday, to 9am-11pm
    Monday through Saturday for 6 months. He added that if it didn’t
    work out, (i.e.,: he couldn’t control the loitering, drug
    traffic, or the noise in front of his store, that he would –
    on bequest of the NOBL Board - go back to his regular hours. A
    discussion was held:

  • Jayne Johnson
    mentioned that when the store is open, troublemakers stay away. But
    when the store is closed, people from all over begin to loiter, deal
    drugs, etc.

  • Dr. Roosenberg
    questioned approving an extension of hours in consideration of
    school hours.

  • Andy Johnson
    reminded everyone that Sunny has done a lot for the community.

  • Becky Karwoski
    mentioned that the activity around Sunny’s store is not so bad

  • Dr. Roosenberg had
    concerns about winter time and people driving up with boom boxes.
    (Could Sunny put up additional parking?) Roosenberg offered
    to table the discussion.

  • There was a
    caveat made by Sunny that if anyone notices anything out of the
    ordinary around his store to come to him first to address the
    situation before going to anyone else.

  • Phil McConahy made
    a motion that Sunny Sodhi’s hours be extended and Jayne
    Johnson seconded. Votes were cast. All in favor were: Joe Berens,
    J.D. Formaz, Phil McConahy, Jane Johnson, Andy Johnson and Walter
    Taylor. The motion was carried.

  • The Conditional
    Letter of Approval
    from NOBL regarding the request from the
    owners of the L&L Party regarding their extension of hours was

  • Concerns by
    NOBL Board Member Joe Berens:
    Joe Berens brought up recent
    E-mails that Executive Secretary Walter Taylor sent to Grand
    Rapids City officials, as well as to neighbors regarding the
    development group and the people involved. He was disturbed by the
    fact that not all NOBL Board Members received copies of these
    E-mails. Moreover, he felt that Walter Taylor misused his official
    NOBL Board position by recklessly sending his personal commentary to
    City officials and signing his E-mails using his official NOBL Board
    title. He requested that the NOBL Board censure Walter Taylor at
    the very least, or remove him from office altogether. A discussion
    was held:

  • Phil McConahy
    mentioned that the NOBL bylaws are too vague and that they need to
    be amended to accommodate more definitive information: such as a
    censure or an expulsion from the NOBL Board for violations of such a
    nature. Under the current bylaw guidelines, as they now stand,
    there is no written mention of using one’s title or
    status errantly.

  • Jayne Johnson
    concurred with Phil McConahy in that there are no true definitive
    written rules prohibiting the use of one’s official status
    with regards to contacting City officials in the NOBL bylaws,
    although there may be an unwritten, “understanding.”
    She then offered up a motion: that if a NOBL Board Member’s
    statement is not one approved or supported by the NOBL Board, they
    cannot sign any letter or E-mail with their elected NOBL title or
    designation, and must also mention within any document to offered to
    City officials that they are writing on behalf of their own accord
    (as a private citizen, and in their own opinion).

  • Phil McConahy
    seconded the motion and votes were cast. All in favor were: Joe
    Berens, J.D. Formaz, Phil McConahy, Jane Johnson, Andy Johnson and
    Walter Taylor. The motion was carried.

  • Concerns by
    J.D. Formaz:
    J.D. Formaz asked if there was a way we could come
    up with a moneymaking opportunity or fundraiser for NOBL: whether
    that would be a Car wash, a Farmer’s Market, or an Art Fair;
    anything that might bring the community together and make money for

  • Roosenberg made a
    request that a public committee be formed to work with J.D. Formaz
    on this concept. He then asked if anyone at the meeting would be
    willing to help.

  • Becky Karwoski,
    Sondra Wilson, Chris Thompson, Jayne Johnson and Brian Bremer all
    raised their hands in support of the idea.

    • J.D. Formaz will
      present his fundraising ideas at the next NOBL Board Meeting.

  • Neighbors
    Interested in Becoming NOBL Board Members:
    Dr. Roosenberg
    brought up the fact that we need to fill the empty seat on the NOBL
    Board as soon as possible. He stated that if any of us know of
    someone who might be a good candidate for the position to let him
    know immediately by sending him an e-mail with their name, their
    qualifications and their reasons for wanting to join. He [Dr.
    Roosenberg] stressed that the position of Chairman must be filled
    and that he will stay on as Acting-Chair of NOBL until the elections
    in November.

    • There will not be
      a vote for vice-Chair until the November elections.

    • Dave Shannon
      mentioned that he is interested in becoming a NOBL Board Member.

  • Jayne Johnson
    wants to know when the block captains will get their Area Specific
    Plan Draft/Information Packets so that they can disseminate that
    information to others. Are we going to mail them or distribute
    them by hand?
    We have to wait for the information from the
    City. Once the packets are made, Kristi DeKraker will contact


  • Angel Gonzalez was
    bothered that NOBL passed the motion to write a Conditional
    Letter of Approval
    to extend Sunny Sodhi’s hours at the
    L&L Party Store. He felt that the Belknap Community was not
    given the opportunity to express their concerns regarding the
    extension of said hours, and also went on to say that the
    Tentatively Proposed NOBL Policy was rushed into a vote
    without initial neighborhood input. He feels that the NOBL Board
    is, “putting the cart before the horse…”

  • Walter Taylor
    mentioned that Angel Gonzalez didn’t seek a, “ true
    consensus of community opinion” when it came to his public
    redevelopment/rezoning charrettes; so why was he so concerned with
    public opinion now regarding the extension of the L&L Party
    Store hours?

  • Jayne Johnson
    responded to Angel’s comments.

  • Sondra Loukes
    Wilson stated that we all should be proud that we have so much
    passion about our neighborhood, and that what is going on now, is
    democracy in action. She encouraged us to take the energy and the
    commradery that we feel and put it to good use within our community.

  • Phil McConahy
    motioned to end the meeting and J.D. Formaz seconded. All were in
    favor and the motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at


NOBL Minutes 06 10 08


10, 2008

  • Welcome

  • Present were Joe Berens, Phil
    McConahy, (Acting President) Bob Roosenberg, Jayne Johnson,
    Jessica Doane, Officer Neil Gomez, Andy Johnson, J.D. Formaz and
    Walter Taylor. (Chairman Pete Stieler was not present.)

  • Joe Berens motioned to approve
    the Meeting Minutes from May; Phil McConahy seconded; all were in
    favor. The motion was carried.

  • The Financial statement
    was discussed. Walter Taylor motioned to accept, Joe Berens
    seconded; all were in favor. The motion was carried.

  • Committee Reports:
    Officer Gomez spoke before the board about catalytic converters and
    how they are being stolen from vehicles. He also mentioned that
    there have been a couple of arrests at Coit Park for narcotics.
    Kristi DeKraker spoke about how the Safety Committee sent a letter
    on behalf of the neighbors to the arraigning judge, expressing zero
    tolerance for criminal activity (i.e., drugs) in our park. By
    sending such letters (and showing up on arraignment days), we hope
    to send a clear message that criminal activity of any kind will not
    be tolerated. She went on to say that this process was very
    effective in the late 1990’s. Bob Roosenberg asked if there
    was a way to get photographs of the suspects in question so they
    could be posted at prominent places in the neighborhood.
    Photographs can be found on the Internet at:
    Officer Gomez stated that there was a shooting at Coit Park which
    seemed to be an isolated incident. There were no victims and, to
    his knowledge, it was not gang-related. Safety Committee Chair
    Jayne Johnson said that she has witnessed groups of young males
    walking down the street carrying baseball bats at 1:00am. Officer
    Gomez spoke about enforcing curfews.

  • BBC: Chair Becky
    Karwoski mentioned the progress of their plantings at Cultivating
    Hands and Sunny’s Garden…things are coming along pretty
    well and both gardens are prospering. Mrs. Elton’s class was
    at the Children’s Garden and the kids really enjoyed


  • The 4th of July
    was discussed. BBC will sell glow-in-the-dark necklaces and
    bracelets, pop, chips and water to make money for future endeavors.
    Kristi DeKraker will create pamphlets for Livingston and Fairview
    regarding the use of illegal fireworks and street accessibility, not
    to mention the “open container” policy. Walter Taylor
    agreed to deliver the flyers on Fairview and Brian Bremer agreed to
    help deliver flyers on Livingston.

  • The 5th Annual
    Back to School Bash
    will happen on August 7th at Coit
    Park. No backpacks will be handed out this year. There will be
    food and fun. The Grand Rapids Police Department and the Grand
    Rapids Fire Department will be on hand to usher in the new school

  • National Night Out will
    be on August 5th at Coit Park.

  • Walter Taylor made a motion to
    remove Pete Stieler from his position as President of NOBL; J.D.
    Formaz seconded. A discussion was held and votes were cast. All in
    favor were Jayne Johnson, Jessica Doane, Andy Johnson, J.D. Formaz,
    Phil McConahy and Walter Taylor. All opposed were Joe Berens. The
    motion was carried. Pete Stieler is now suspended from office
    until the next meeting (7/8/08), at which time he will be given the
    opportunity to defend his actions to the Neighbors of Belknap

  • Bob Roosenberg stated that he
    will act as Chair pro temp at the next meeting until there is
    a vote for a replacement.

  • Walter Taylor also made a
    motion to remove Pete Stieler as a Board Member of NOBL; J.D. Formaz
    seconded. A discussion was held and votes were cast. All in favor
    were Jayne Johnson, Jessica Doane, Andy Johnson, J.D. Formaz, Phil
    McConahy and Walter Taylor. All opposed was Joe Berens. The
    motion was carried. Pete Stieler is now suspended as a member
    of NOBL until the next meeting (7/8/08), at which time he will be
    given the opportunity to defend his actions to the Neighbors of
    Belknap Lookout.

  • Acting-Chairman Bob Roosenberg
    stated how displeased and disgusted he was with Pete Stieler’s
    actions during the last public neighborhood meeting.

  • Jayne Johnson spoke about how
    the Block Captains would each like a copy of the
    redevelopment/rezoning draft so they can go through it (at their
    leisure)with the neighbors on their block. They want to feel free
    enough to be able to say what they like (or don’t like) about
    the plan without developer intrusion. Essentially, they expect a
    safe venue (away from the prying eyes) upon which to discuss the
    plan anonymously.


  • Jayne Johnson mentioned that we
    have to come to some kind of consensus and common ground amongst the
    block captains and the neighborhood regarding new development.

  • Pastor Carol Faas questioned
    the procedure of inviting only Block Captains to the Public
    Charrettes, versus inviting all the neighbors living in our
    neighborhood. A discussion was held.

  • Steve Faas stated that if
    anyone has any information that they would like to get out to every
    neighbor, he has the resources during the next few days to
    accommodate that need.

  • Gretchen Warnimont spoke about
    her run in with Pete Stieler and requested that he be removed from
    office before he hurts somebody else. “As a concerned and
    scared neighbor, when I can’t walk down my own street, we all
    have a problem…”

  • Angel Gonzalez spoke about the
    Area Specific Plan and the importance of redeveloping portions of
    the Belknap Neighborhood. Walter Taylor responded that many people
    in the neighborhood are suspicious of the developers, due to the
    fact that many neighbors never even received a flyer, let alone
    heard of the, “public meetings.” He offered that
    perhaps the developers should create enough flyers for the entire
    Belknap Neighborhood next time they plan to hold a Public Charrette.

  • Pastor Carol Faas questioned
    the intentions of the development consortium and mentioned that she
    was personally upset that they seemed to have made themselves
    available at all of the tables, in an effort to cajole the decisions
    of others.

  • Officer Neil Gomez talked about
    the charrette meeting and having to police the situation if needs

  • Jayne Johnson offered that
    there must be a balance when it comes to participation from both the
    developers and the people from the neighborhood.

  • Ben talked about the zoning
    ordinance and its approval. He presented a road map of all the
    properties in the neighborhood; including properties owned by the
    Beckett’s, the Gonzalez’s and the Horling’s.

  • Angel Gonzalez voiced that
    their Area Specific Plan is just a road map of what is possible in
    the Belknap Neighborhood.

  • Jayne Johnson responded by
    saying that Area Specific Plans are designed to give a voice to each
    person in the community, and not just a select few…

  • Jayne Johnson motioned to
    adjourn the meeting and J.D. Formaz seconded; the motion was

  • The meeting ended at 7:39pm


NOBL Minutes 05 13 08

of Belknap Lookout

Minutes for May 13th 2008

  • Welcome

  • Meeting
    called to order by Pete Stieler at 5:57pm.
    Board Members
    present: Pete Stieler, Robert Roosenberg, Andy Johnson, Jayne
    Johnson, J.D. Formaz, Joe Berens, Phil McConahy and Walter Taylor.

  • Minutes
    for April:
    Pete called for a motion to accept, Phil McConahy
    motioned, Bob Roosenberg seconded… The motion was carried.

  • Financial
    Pete Stieler called for a motion to accept the financial
    report presented by Kristi DeKraker. Jayne Johnson motioned, J.D.
    Formaz seconded… The motion was carried.

  • Reminder:
    A public charrette is coming up on May 19, 2008. We need to get the
    word out to the community.

  • The
    Rental Property Owners Association (RPOA)
    is meeting with the
    City and asking for possible ordinance changes. They want to adopt
    the International Maintenance Housing Code, which may lower some of
    the standards as well as violation fees. The pros and cons of
    window pinning as a safety measure were also discussed. Any
    questions? Call 456-3053.

  • Safety
    report and Presentation from Neil Gomez:

    • There
      have been catalytic converter thefts as of late.

    • Gang
      graffiti was found in the alleyway just west of 800 Clancy.
      Officer Gomez thinks that the people at 833 Clancy might have
      something to do with it.

    • Belknap
      Commons is also having some problems with gangsters. Officer Gomez
      presented the Board with some of the symbols and markings that gang
      members use to mark their territories. Pages of the symbols were
      passed around. It was mentioned that individuals on the 600 Block
      of Prospect might have something to do with the graffiti.

    • Jayne
      Johnson offered that perhaps the people involved in the
      neighborhood walkabout could make their presence known in the 800
      block of Clancy and the 600 block of Prospect.

    • If
      you happen to see anything out of the ordinary, please let Officer
      Gomez or Kristi DeKraker know.

    • Incidents
      in Coit Park have been reduced due to extra police patrols. It was
      offered that perhaps fencing the park (in some areas) would also
      help in curbing crime?

    • Jayne
      Johnson noticed Community Officers in plain clothes around Coit
      School checking vehicles for child booster seats. Children below
      4’9” and 80# are required to use booster seats.

    • In
      closing, Officer Gomez reminded us to keep an eye out for gang

  • Cultivating
    Hands Children’s Garden:
    Kristi DeKraker reminded everyone
    that the garden (located at 618 Clancy) will be starting soon and
    that they still need a picnic table. Donations are accepted.

  • The
    new City contract for the 2009 Fiscal Year:
    Pete Stieler called
    for a motion to accept NOBL’s new contract with the City. (It
    is basically the same contract NOBL has been operating under since
    Phil McConahy motioned to accept, Jayne Johnson
    seconded… The motion was carried.

  • Public
    Charrette flyers
    were handed out to each Board Member to


  • Denise,
    one of our neighbors that live on the 500 block of Livingston,
    introduced herself and was heartily welcomed.

  • Pete
    Stieler called for a motion to adjourn. Jayne Johnson motioned and
    Frank Doane (husband of Board Member Jessica Doane) seconded…
    The motion was carried.


NOBL Minutes 03 11 08

Neighbors of Belknap Lookout:

Meeting Minutes for Tuesday March 11, 2008

was called to order by Chair, Pete Stieler at 6:03pm

  • Welcome
    to all.

  • Introduction
    of Grand Rapids Police Chief Kevin Belk, Deputy Chief James Farris
    and Captain Pam Carrier.

  • Grand
    Rapids Police Chief Kevin Belk
    spoke before the board on what is
    important for the police department to focus on for the next few
    years and offered their 4 basic component plan:

  1. Youth
    : much of the crime today is caused by problem
    youths. After school programs, boy and girls clubs, and places like
    Camp O’Malley are important alternatives and great deterrents
    to criminal activity. However, some neighborhoods are underserved
    and don’t have many after school programs. Curfew violations
    of underage youth are a continuing problem and must be addressed by
    a sustained effort of deterrence.

  2. Crime
    : identifying neighborhoods prone to crime and looking
    for patterns of activity in those particular areas so they can be
    addressed early on. Installing cameras in crime-ridden areas might
    help to catch suspects in action. Community policing is also
    important to help curb crime.

  3. Staff
    : offer training and resources necessary so they can
    go out and do their jobs professionally and more effectively.

  4. Organizational
    : Utilizing new hardware and dash-cams to better serve
    the officers on patrol. This includes the dispatching system and
    coordinated support from all staff.

  • Deputy
    Police Chief James Farris
    offered that he will be implementing
    service areas throughout Grand Rapids: North, West, South, and South
    East. He will get together with the community officers and/or
    Service Area Captains and ask them what the GRPD can do to better
    serve them in their efforts to curb crime and maintain safety.

  • Police
    Captain Pam Carrier
    reassured us that the GRPD will continue to
    work with our community to resolve the various issues and/or
    complaints that may arise. She welcomes our feedback and opinions.
    Because of the cutbacks in the police force, it is important for the
    neighbors in our community to come together and have a working
    relationship with the department. If you know of problems: be they
    possible criminal acts, drug houses, abandoned vehicles, etc., let
    her know so that the issues can be fully addressed.

  • Answers
    to questions from the board

  1. Spectrum
    Health security does not have the authority to enforce the law in
    our neighborhood; only on Spectrum property.

  2. Instead
    of implementing a “citizens arrest,” it is best to call
    the GRPD and let them handle the situation.

  3. This
    spring and summer, the GRPD will be more present in the Belknap

  4. If
    there is something that both the community and the police department
    can work on in tandem, they will let us know.

  5. Security
    at 4th of July will go on as scheduled.

  6. Incidents
    are handled by order or priority or importance: shootings
    supersede curfew violators, etc…

  • Traffic
    : Fire department needs to be involved with regards to
    speed bumps or bump-outs. All requests must be routed through
    traffic safety. 60% of the population in the area must also agree
    to the proposed changes.

  • Presentation
    by Sharon Handy, League of Women Voters:
    try to increase voter
    turnout for the school board election in May. Less than 5% of
    population came to vote for school board representatives during the
    last election. We need to get the word out that the vote is coming
    up… How do we get the word out? By flyer, going door to door?, e-mail:

  • Minutes
    for February were reviewed:
    motion to accept made by Jessica
    Doane, seconded by Phil McConahy, all in favor… Motion was

  • Safety
    : Jayne Johnson, Kristi DeKraker.

  • Financial
    : tabled until next month.

  • Reminder:
    Public Charrette Meeting to be held on March 18th. Need
    to pass out flyers and notify the public.

  • Motion
    to adjourn
    at 7:02pm by Joe Berens, seconded by Jessica Doane,
    all in favor… Motion was carried.