Monday, December 8, 2008

NOBL Minutes 10 14 08


14, 2008

  • Welcome!

  • Meeting was
    called to order by Acting Chair JD Formaz at 6pm. Present were
    Jayne Johnson, Phil McConahy, Walter Taylor, Joe Berens, Marty
    Morgan, Andy Johnson and Jessica Doane.

  • Guests
    present were Bonnie Johnson, Lynn Lenz, David Swartwout, Chris
    Thompson, Sunny Sodhi, Marilyn Walker, Harri Sodhi, Ja’Net
    DeBoer, David Shannon, Carl Danielson, Becky Karwoski, Gretchen
    Warnimont, Amy Peters, Brian Bremer, Mike Childress and Sarah

  • No
    additions to the agenda

  • Approval
    of both Meeting Minutes and Financial Statements:
    JD requested
    a motion to accept; Phil McConahy motioned, Jayne Johnson seconded;
    all were in favor and the vote was approved. (The Financial
    Statement doesn’t include the reimbursements that we have yet
    to receive.)

  • Committee

  • Safety:
    We’ve had an increase of B&E’s. Vacant homes or
    foreclosed homes have been targets. We have a description of a red
    Chevy vehicle with writing on the side: they have hit several homes
    in our area for scrap metal. Also there is a white van with a white
    attached trailer with the words, ‘tool shed’ on the
    side. A white male with short dark hair and bolt cutters has been
    seen driving the vehicle.

    • Clancy
      Street lot and Coit Park: need to get signs.

  • Housing:
    Phil McConahy mentioned that 726 Coit has a box spring sitting
    outside and it has been there for 2 days.

    • We’re
      working on some foreclosure issues. If you know of someone in
      distress, contact Kristi DeKraker so she can put them in contact
      with Home Repair Services (HRS).

    • We need
      volunteers for the elderly in raking leaves and taking care of
      their yards. Right now GRCC volunteers are helping out. If you
      know of an elderly person on your block that need help, contact
      Kristi or go and help. We need an updated list of the elderly so
      we can find out who needs help.

  • BBC:
    Becky said that the Chili Cookout went well. There were a lot of
    people that came to the chili cookout…more so than last year.
    They haven’t counted the amount that they received. They are
    still working on the raffle. They’re presently working on
    their committee portfolio for donations and sponsors. They will be
    working with TFOB regarding the Halloween Harvest Fest. If you
    would like to volunteer for this event contact, Ja’Net, Becky
    or Jayne.
    The Cultivating Hands Children’s Garden was a
    success. Much of the tomatoes used for the Chili Cookout were from
    the garden. The BBC also received some good PR from Grand Rapids
    Garden Magazine. The Cultivating Hands Children’s Garden will
    be in the November issue of their magazine. The BBC also handed out
    the last of their books to the children and they received their
    certificates. In total, there were 24 children from Ms. Elton’s
    PPI class that received the books.

    • TFOB:
      Marilyn Walker mentioned that there are 4 festivals coming up:
      Winter Fest, Spring Fest, Summer Fest and (next year) Fall Fest.
      They will be working with the BBC on the Harvest Fest. She also
      mentioned that they are still looking for volunteers to help out at
      the event. Pumpkin donuts, cider, caramel apples and popcorn balls
      will be available. Lastly, TFOB is working with the BBC on a
      calendar of events and a community cookbook which they will be
      selling at next year’s Three Sister’s Community
      Harvest Festival and Dinner
      . The cookbook will include
      submitted recipes from friends and neighbors of the Belknap area.

  • Old
    Nominating Committee flyers were handed out.
    Candidates interested in running for NOBL positions include: Tim
    Corpe, Sonny Sodhi, David Swartwout, Dave Shannon, Philip McConahy,
    Jayne Johnson, Gloria Herroon, Andy Johnson, Marty Morgan and
    Jeremie Dallas.
    Annual NOBL election is coming up November 11th.

  • New
    Business: changes to membership dues and rules regarding voting
    : A discussion was held about the NOBL election.
    Walter Taylor asked if people could bring in current utility bills
    as proof of their residency. It was decided upon that:

    1. A current
      Michigan State ID or Michigan Driver’s License showing
      current residency in the Belknap Neighborhood would be the only
      acceptable forms of identification.

    2. NOBL
      membership dues would be adjusted to $5 per person (or $15 per

    3. November
      1st 2008 will be the deadline for all interested
      to announce their candidacy for the upcoming NOBL
      election on November 11th.

  • Acting Chair
    JD Formaz requested for a motion to approve both the membership dues
    and the new voting rules/requirements; Phil McConahy motioned and
    Joe Berens seconded; all were in favor and the motion to adopt both
    were carried. Saturday November 8th will be a meet and
    greet for the nominees at the Newberry Place Common Room.
    By default, let’s assume the meeting will take place from

  • Andy Johnson
    mentioned that we need to work on the NOBL bylaws in order to
    clarify them. Perhaps after the elections we can work on the
    bylaws by creating a group to address the situation?

  • Marty Morgan
    talked about the new website he created for NOBL: (NOBL He
    mentioned that if anybody has any pics of the garden or the Belknap
    area to send them to him and he will add them to the website.

  • Kristi
    DeKraker needs 2 more volunteers for the Safe Routes 2 School
    to get it up and running again. From 12:10-1pm Wednesdays they walk
    the kids around Coit Park (the kids really enjoy it). We need to
    work on getting the ‘rules’ signs in place at Coit Park.

  • The Steering
    Committee is going forward in a good manner regarding the Area
    Specific Plan. There haven’t been any definitive decisions
    yet. It won’t be developer driven and they are looking for a
    third party to help them move the issue forward.

  • Public
    Marilyn Walker mentioned that the Friends of Belknap
    will be meeting this Wednesday at 7 p.m. at 510 Coit NE. She also
    added that we need to get more neighbors involved in community
    activities (NOBL, BBC, TFOB, fundraisers, events, volunteer, etc).

  • JD Formaz
    requested for a motion to adjourn: Walter Taylor made a motion to
    adjourn and Phil McConahy seconded; all were in favor and the motion
    was passed.


The December NOBL board meeting will be held Tuesday, December 9 at 6pm at 751 Lafayette NE.  An informational presentation regarding the new zoning code for the City of Grand Rapids will be presented at the beginning of the meeting.


Friends of Belknap have announced the schedule of activities for Winterfest February 6-8th, 2009.