Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NOBL Minutes 04 16 09


April 14, 2009

  • Welcome!

  • Meeting was called
    to order at 6:02pm by acting Chair David Swartwout. Present were
    Phil McConahy, David Swartwout, Jayne Johnson, J.D. Formaz, Joe
    Berens, Walter Taylor and Community Organizer Kristi DeKraker.

  • Additions to

  • Presentation:
    Janelle Hill from the We Vote program passed out voter guides
    and discussed the importance of voting during the Grand Rapids
    Public Schools Board of Education election on May 5, 2009. She
    mentioned that guides were also delivered to the elementary schools
    for the children to take home to their parents.

  • Approval of
    David Swartwout asked for a motion to accept the
    meeting minutes from March: Phil McConahy made a motion and Jayne
    Johnson seconded; all were in favor and the meeting minutes were

  • Financial
    JD Formaz stated that NOBL has $8,674.15 in total
    liabilities and equity. He also spoke about how NOBL has been
    discussing proposed fundraising efforts and events to increase
    monies in the NOBL accounts. David Swartwout asked for a motion to
    accept the financial report: Walter Taylor made a motion and Phil
    McConahy seconded; all were in favor and the financial report was

  • Safety:
    Jayne Johnson reported that there was a drug arrest at Lookout Park.
    GRPD is also working on an issue on Clancy Street. Jayne Johnson
    is working with block contacts in an effort to get more members.
    She will be meeting with groups of neighbors to put together a FEMA
    emergency action plan. They are working with the police department
    to resolve issues on Clancy Street, as well as juvenile near the
    bluff throwing rocks. She reminded everyone to come to the safety
    meeting being held on Wednesday.

    • Firefighter
      Joachin Martinez spoke about fires and how there is a no open
      burning policy
      throughout the City of Grand Rapids. If you
      see anyone burning anything, or using open fire pits, call the Fire
      department at their non-emergency number.

    • Illegal fireworks
      are a police matter and anyone witnessing such activity should
      contact the police.

  • Housing:
    Joe Berens will get in touch with Todd Julien to set up a future
    meeting. Kristi DeKraker mentioned that a strict form of
    enforcement regarding litter in the neighborhood has been put in
    place, and that such enforcement is not meant to target anyone in
    particular, but to address issues of compliance throughout our

  • Grants and
    Membership grant with Dyer-Ives for NOBL to get
    more people established and know about NOBL. Fundraising and
    acquiring block captains to help walk through the neighborhood and
    knock on doors. This will be discussed at the Safety meeting on
    Wednesday at Coit School in an effort to encourage people to become
    members of NOBL. The total match for all monies raised is up to
    $3,000: $1,500 for NOBL and $1,500 for Dyer Ives.

  • BBC: Becky
    sent out seven more donor packets; received $175 from Dr. Roosenberg
    and $150 from Thireca for the garden. Will decrease the amount of
    the BBC yard and Garden contest honorable mentions to 30 houses.
    Increased membership by 3 people. Planning for Adopt a Garden.
    Attended a seed/plant exchange and potluck. Gretchen Warnimont
    took over responsibility for the BBC Calendar. Will have use of
    pickup truck, when necessary. Began classroom portion of the
    children’s garden on March 25th. Planning for the
    White Pigeon Prairie Cookbook in September. Gave fundraising and
    event planning presentation to Dean Transportation. Planning for
    Picnic in the Park and Softball on June 13th. Planning
    on Belknap Bow-Wow Show on July 25th. Gave PowerPoint
    presentation to the Michigan Association for the Education of Young
    Children. Decided to focus on local neighborhood garden activities.

  • Staff Report:
    Lafayette and Fairbanks have increased activity with misbehaving
    juveniles. If you see a crowd of them gathering there, get some
    people walking around there to hopefully break them up and force
    them out of the neighborhood. We also need to watch out for drug
    activity on Clancy/Fairbanks. September 26th is Dumpster
    Day for NOBL. Still working with GRCC, MSU students and now, we are
    also working with GVSU students doing a report and community
    analysis of our neighborhood. Wednesday is the Safety Committee
    Meeting at Coit School at 6:30pm. On Thursday, April 16th,
    the Friends of Grand Rapids Parks is having a kick-off
    meeting at 3:30pm at 910 Cherry Street. Walking Wednesdays is every
    Wednesday at noon. MSU is working on data collection regarding the
    ideal neighborhood and will be presenting on Wednesday, April 29th
    at 6:30pm at the MSU Extensions office (701 Ball NE). We need at
    least ten people to attend that meeting. We need volunteers for the
    Friends of Grand Rapids Parks on Saturday, May 16th from
    9am-12pm. They will be doing a city-wide park clean-up. Our parks
    are involved: Mary Waters Park, Coit Park and Belknap Park. It’s
    a big event; so most likely, the news media will be involved.

  • There was a
    hearing regarding the College Avenue Party Store and so many people
    came out to speak on behalf of the owner that they didn’t lose
    their liquor license.

  • Old Business:
    NOBL bylaw meeting was held and some things were changed and ironed
    out. The 2nd draft will be discussed at next NOBL

    • David Swartwout
      discussed the area specific plan with Andy Guy. The requests for
      proposals have been sent out and there is already interest from
      three or four different engineering firms to help put together a
      new ASP. Applicants have until the end of the month to submit
      their proposals. Once all the proposals are in, a subcommittee
      that’s been formed from the members of the Steering Committee
      will be interviewing each one of the applicants before one is
      actually chosen. In an attempt to keep the information
      transparent, he encourages everyone to read the draft of the
      Request for Proposal application on the TFOB website
      ( There is also talk of a
      development proposal being brought forward in about a month or two,
      and for everyone to keep an open mind.

    • Phil McConahy
      mentioned that he talked to people in the neighborhood and the
      inference is that NOBL shouldn’t be involved in the decision
      making process regarding tree issues. Joachin Martinez mentioned
      that we should be concerned with trees interfering with the power
      lines only. The Board decided to table the topic for now.

  • New Business:

    • Membership dues
      discussion tabled until May.

    • Joachin Martinez:
      At each NOBL meeting, he will share information about services that
      the GRFD provides that we may not know about… Those working
      at the fire department are out working as both Building/fire
      inspectors regarding businesses only. Safety is the primary issue.

  • Public Comment:
    J.D. Formaz mentioned that the equipment trailers parked on the road
    down by Clancy Street (near Thireca) are a hazard. They belong to
    the construction company working on Thireca. Kristi DeKraker will
    call Thireca and have them move the trailers to make it safer for

    • Parking issues
      were discussed.

  • David Swartwout
    commented that subcommittees of NOBL have to be very careful
    endorsing events and raising monies, especially when it comes to
    benefitting other NOBL Board Members and/or private individuals.
    Conflicts of interest issues could ultimately arise.

  • David Swartwout
    requested for a motion to adjourn: J.D. Formaz made a motion and
    Phil McConahy seconded; all were in favor and the meeting ended at